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Surviving the Five Second Blink Test

As of today, there are over one billion smartphone users in the world, and this number increases every single day. For entrepreneurs, innovators, and disrupters this means that there are tons of technologically capable people out there on the web that are searching for quick and effortless solutions to their problems. Studies have shown that if you don’t engage a user within just 500 milliseconds, they are likely to leave your page and never come back. That is what they call the blink test. In the blink of an eye you either lose or win over your visitor.

To go about retaining people within that short amount of time you should first know what gives a bad first impression. High visual complexity or low prototypical design are two major factors that can turn away a user in no time. Having a mix of a little bit of both in your website is favorable. The next thing to consider is the layout and overall design. Having a well designed custom layout for your website is the best way to go. Many benefits will come from hiring a web designer to customize your layout/website. Unique design, a more professional look, search-engine friendliness, and overall better quality are just to name a few.

heatmap-designHeatmapping and metrics should also be taken into account. Some heatmapping tools you can use are Google’s in-page analytics, Crazy Egg, Mouseflow, or Mixpanel.  All of these tools will map out where the user’s mouse goes and how much time they spend in each section, and what gets the most clicks. This will help you figure out the best place to put links, images, and other information.

A few other important guidelines to follow are to keep the noise down, but still be able to stand out among all of the other millions of websites. Making sure that the overall effect of your page is positive, reassuring, and trustworthy is very important to keep in mind. With all of this you will be able to convert your website to maximum user retention and greater conversion rates. Innovise can help you with exactly that, and your website will be sure to survive the 5 second blink test!



Embracing Interactivity

Internet users do not stay on web sites for too long unless something catches their attention. Building a website that contains some animation its going to attract more people than just a static page and it is more likely for them to stay longer viewing all the information if infographics are displayed. However, overloading your site with animations is not good because it might overwhelm the visitor and make your site heavy, confusing and increase load time. Keep it simple and professional but add interactivity to it.

Infographics are a great way to show a big amount of information without boring the user. Nobody wants to read a long dense text. People expect developers to simplify information for them and display it in a cool easy way. Check out this link to see why your brain craves infographics.

Today anyone has a website and also a lot of people are becoming web developers. Some of them better than others, but building a website is not a mystery anymore. That’s why you need to know what to do different in order to catch the viewers attention and make them explore your information . Scroll down navigation is a very useful and attractive tool. It will make the viewer to keep looking at the page and go further down. Here is an example of a very cool site that uses scroll down navigation. Viewing a site that has endless information in just one page without any kind of interactivity wont make you want to stay for too long, you wont go through all the information.


Social Messaging is the new SMS – Whatsapp


Social Messaging has brought some problems to cell phone companies. Many analyst are saying consumers will stop purchasing unlimited text messaging plans very soon when they realize that by just having internet access on their phones they can make use of free text messaging. The most common app today that allows people to text for free all over the world is whatsapp. For those who doesn’t know much about this app, this is a great  post to be looking at.

Whatsapp has been around for a long time and is extremely popular around the world. Still, it has been slow to gain traction here as most Americans are used to having unlimited text. In other countries, unlimited SMS is just not possible. Most carriers charge more money when you SMS someone that doesn’t have the same carrier as you do. It is a way for them to make more money and to try to get everyone to use the same carrier. Since text messaging has become more popular, especially in teenagers and young adults, everyone is switching to Whatsapp as their main way to text.

This awesome app costs only $1 and on some phones it’s even free. After downloading the app you don’t have to worry about paying anymore. You just need internet access and you are good to go. Whatsapp allows you to text, send videos, images and also voice messages. You can also create group messages and there are plenty of settings that you can play with. A cool feature the app has that most people find interesting is that whenever you send a text, it tells you if the text was delivered by showing you a green checkmark next to the message and if the text was seen, it shows you two of them. You can also see when your contacts are online and when they were online for the last time.

If you are out of the country you don’t have to worry about spending money on roaming. Whatsapp allows you to text from any part of the world, to any carrier. The interaction is very fast and it’s very easy to use. Roaming will definitely become obsolete soon, if it hasn’t yet.